Monday, March 20th will be a Day 2.

Don't miss out on the 2022-2023 EBF yearbook. Order now at https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A02341700
Not sure if you have already ordered, email Mr. Hallgren to find out!

Senior photos for the yearbook are due to Mr. Hallgren by Wed. Dec 21st. They can be sent to him on a thumb drive or email, please make sure they are in JPEG or PNG format for best use. If you are unable to meet this deadline or have questions, please email him at tom.hallgren@rocketsk12.org

From the Counseling Office: We still have openings on Tuesday night during conferences for any senior needing help with filling out the FAFSA. Please email amy.spurgeon@rocketsk12.org to sign up!

Reminder for Parent Pick-up/ Drop off- please use the North (JH) doors and the gravel teacher parking lot. This is for the safety of our students.

You will be receiving a phone call from the school number, our staff are calling parents to invite you to Parent/Teacher Conferences next week. If they miss you, they will leave a message, no need to call back. We hope to see many familiar faces next week!

From the Counseling Office: It is "Free Application Week" at the University of Northern Iowa. If you are interested in UNI, now is a great time to apply!

JUNIORS will be SAT testing tomorrow (Wednesday) morning first thing. Please remember to get a good nights sleep, eat breakfast and be on time. If you have a calculator, please bring it. If you take any IHCC or Career Academy classes you will be excused for missing those in the AM.

7th Grade/ New Students will be PSAT testing tomorrow (Tuesday). It is important to get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast and be on time as we will be testing first thing. Students need to bring a calculator with them if they have one. All other students will be attending classes as normal.

From the Counseling Office: Representatives from IHCC will be here the night of school conferences on Tuesday, October 25th to assist families in completing the FAFSA. Appointments will be from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. If interested, please email Mrs. Spurgeon at amy.spurgeon@rocketsk12.org to schedule an appointment.
On Wednesday, October 12th at 5:30 pm, you can join a step-by-step virtual walk through of how to complete the FAFSA. You will be led through the process of filling out the form by an ICAN professional. If interested, register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TnOlxi7MRoq2j2XFP5QK5w?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery.

From the Counseling Office: FAFSA is open for the 2023-24 academic school year. This is your gateway to grants, scholarships, work-study, federal loans, and almost all other financial aid. The sooner you complete your FAFSA, the better, as a lot of financial aid is first come, first serve. To complete the FAFSA, visit https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
Iowa College Aid provides tips to fill out the FAFSA, and you can visit their website at https://iowacollegeaid.gov/FAFSA?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery.

From the Counseling Office: A representative from William Penn University will be in the library on Wednesday during Rocket Time/lunch to answer any questions juniors or seniors may have regarding the college admission/FAFSA process.

The After Prom committee is looking for volunteers to work in some upcoming concession stands. The money earned from working these stands will be used to help fund After Prom activities.
It can be parents, grandparents, or students who sign up. ALL help is much appreciated!!

Don’t forget! Jostens will be back tomorrow during HS lunch to take orders for class rings and graduation items that have not been placed online and to answer any ordering questions.

Check out the Golden Circle College Fair, Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 12:30-3PM at Prairie Meadows Conference & Event Center in Altoona, Iowa. There are many different options to see regardless of the student's career path; colleges and universities, military options, apprenticeships and building trades. For more information visit: