Winter Concerts held at the HS will be livestreamed on - those concerts include the JH Band/Choir on Dec. 13th, HS Band/Vocal Concert on Dec. 19th & Eddyville elementary 1st-6th Grade concert on Dec. 20th - please go to the school calendar of events and click on the camera link for direct access
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
No Activity Bus Tonight or Monday **HS Basketball Game Schedule Tonight at Cardinal 5pm - JV Boys 6:15pm - Varsity Girls 7:45pm - Varsity Boys & JV Girls
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
EBF bskt vs. Davis Co. tonight - 5pm start - Students are encouraging all fans to dress for the Black Out. Format will as follows: Front Gym - JV Girls, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys & Back Gym will be JV Boys (2 quarters) & JV2 Boys Live Stream available on
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
From the Counseling Office: The NCAA Eligibility Center is providing a free webinar on December 14th to any student/family interested in learning about the requirements a student athlete must meet in order to compete at an NCAA Division I, II or III school. Click on this link to register:
about 2 years ago, Amy Spurgeon
Take & Bake Order Form available through Dec. 2 with pick up date of Dec. 20th at the HS - Contact Mrs. Strausser if you have any questions -
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
HS Basketball Games @ Pella Christian Tonight - Live Stream Link - Games begin at 4:45pm with the following order: JV Girls, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
HS Wrestling Tonight @ North English - 6pm start Schedule of matches: Round 1: Wapello vs. EBF Round 2: EBF vs. Mid Prairie Round 3: English Valleys/Tri-County vs. EBF
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Activity Updates - Monday, Nov. 28th JH Girls Basketball @ Twin Cedars has been cancelled - no JH girls basketball practice will be held today JV Boys Basketball @ Pella Christian - 7:15pm (1 game only) - the bus will leave at 5:45pm JH Wrestling @ Pella High School - Admission - $3 adults & $1 students - enter the east doors of the HS & concessions will be available No activity bus tonight
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Reminder- NO School Wednesday- Friday for Thanksgiving Break. Enjoy the down time with your families!
about 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
Meet the Rockets - Bingo Night - Saturday @ HS starting at 5pm Soup Supper - 5pm Meet the Rockets - 6pm Bingo Night - 7pm
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Updates - JH Girls Basketball @ Clarke - Game format has changed to the following - 4:15pm 8th Grade will play one game followed by 7th grade - there will not be any B games today
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Friday Night - Girls Basketball vs. Lynnville-Sully - update to game schedule as follows: Varsity only starting at 6:30pm - No JV game
about 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Senior photos for the yearbook are due to Mr. Hallgren by Wed. Dec 21st. They can be sent to him on a thumb drive or email, please make sure they are in JPEG or PNG format for best use. If you are unable to meet this deadline or have questions, please email him at
over 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
Veteran's Day Ceremony from the HS will be live streamed beginning at 9am this morning -
over 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Reminder to parents/ guardians: Please reach out to Nurse Erin if medications are necessary to be given at school. We must have signed parental consent and all medications must be in a current, labeled bottle from the pharmacy.
over 2 years ago, Molly Judy
Reminder - Football Banquet Potluck Dinner - Tuesday Night @ HS Cafeteria - 6pm Seniors - Side Dishes Juniors - Main Dish Freshman/Sophomores - Desserts
over 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Reminder- NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 7th. Teacher Professional Development day.
over 2 years ago, Jill Schmidt
7th-12th Grade Fall Vocal Concert will be held this evening at the HS starting at 7pm. Admission to the event will be $2 adults & $1 students - activity passes are accepted.
over 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
Congratulations to Sam Seddon on being selected to participate in the Iowa Association of Track Coaches Senior All-Star Meet for Cross Country on Nov. 5th in Pella - 12:15pm Meet Info. - State Cross Country T-shirts are available to purchase through Nov. 11th - All orders will be delivered to the HS
over 2 years ago, Curt Johnston
The Rockets defeated Wapsie Valley last night to advance on to the state semifinals today - 4pm vs. Western Christian.   Tickets can be purchased - The community pep bus will leave at 1:30pm - please contact the HS office 641-969-4288 or email Jill Schmidt at Live Stream Link - Audio - Those that are unable to make it to Coralville today are encouraged to log on to for pregame coverage (Pat Powers/Mike Lane) starting at 3:30pm or to follow GoSCCtv (DeWayne Cook) on facebook/app   If you plan to attend the game at Xtream Arena, please visit
over 2 years ago, Curt Johnston